Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Honest!! I swear!!

Ok, so since I've now given the big project as a(n almost complete) gift, I can tell you what it was. My brother has been bugging me for almost 10 years now for an afghan made of his college (Pitt) colors. So, for his 30th birthday, I bit the bullet and knocked that bugger out (the afghan, I mean)! Well, with the exception of the boarder. It is made of squares that I sewed together to give it to my bro, but I didn't put on the boarder until I got some input from him. He left FL to go back to PA before I was able to finish the border completely, but he didn't have room in his suitcase anyway. So, I don't feel so bad about not being complete yet.

But, honest, I swear, I'm close! I have 2 and 1/2 rounds of the boarder to go, and to give you an idea, at my crochet group tonight, I was able to finish almost that much just in this evening. The goal is to have it in the mail by early next week at the latest, maybe by Saturday...? Once it is complete, I'll be SURE to post some pictures!

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