Monday, June 9, 2008

Dishcloths - NEW Dishcloths ;)

With my folks in town this weekend, we did a lot of driving... two trips to St. Augustine from Orlando at 2 hours each way and one trip to Disney from East Orlando (about 45 minutes). I wanted to work on smaller projects. So, I found my old cotton kitchen yarn and whipped up a bunch of dishcloths... wouldn't these make great housewarming gifts?? :)

Looking at that picture, I have to say, I'm impressed with myself! I only started the first dishcloth maybe on Monday of last week (June 2nd)!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! I can't believe how nice crocheted or knitted dishcloths work- who knew?! It's the type of thing someone will probably think is a little weird- until they use it. Then, they'll LOVE it. :)

Lovin' your blog!