These little dealiebobbers I made from the leftover yarn from the ones above. I think I'm going to use them as little hot pads. The good news is that this is IT for the yarn colors you see here. I don't have any more! The bad news is that I have to find storage to put them :)
This is another project I'm working on. It is kind of a crochet project. My company has changed our company logo volunteer t-shirts from yellow to white. They weren't able to donate the leftover yellow t-shirts to a charity as is because they had our company logo on them. The logo needed to be destroyed. Someone came up with this great idea of shredding the t-shirts into strips, and then making those strips into a giant ball of t-shirt "yarn". That "yarn" could then be used to crochet pet mats/beds that are then going to be donated to local animal shelters in my area. Here are some of the strips I've been cutting:
Here is the beginning of a t-shirt ball of "yarn":
Our shredding method was found on Laughing Purple Goldfish Designs. She also has a way of joining the fabric strips without sewing. These two little tips have saved us so much time!